Как сделать инцест в симс 3

Quickest way to get rid of the romance bar is to use the mod MC Command Center. Its «Forget Sim» option lets you forget *only* the romantic relationship. Not sure if this will also get rid of Just Friends.

That said, are they half siblings by blood or by marriage? (That is, stepsiblings.) If by blood — if they share a birth parent — @SimGuruArvin and @SimGuruNick might be interested in seeing a save in which this happened.

Yesterday I was playing a household and Dina Caliente came to visit. Mom and Dad were sleeping but Dina hung around to talk to the young daughter. Since I have a twisted sense of humor and I realize this had to be a game glitch I thought it was funny that Dina had a bright pink flirty mood and the Little convo box at the top middle of the screen (and I so wish the devs would move that) showed a flirty conversation with the daughter.

I thought that had been fixed? I do realize that it’s not appropriate for Dina to be flirting with a child and it’s a game glitch but some of the more sensitive players would probably be having fits.

with Woohooer. I’m pretty sure you need to. eh, enable it? Go to a PC in your lot and right click on it.

then to Romance>Human (or Sim, don’t know what it says in English)

then the second option should say something like «enable romantic relationships between family» which is presumably set to «false»; click on it and it’ll turn to «true»

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MilenaMax (11 Апрель 2015 — 22:33) писал:

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aVk (11 Апрель 2015 — 23:14) писал:

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MilenaMax (12 Апрель 2015 — 04:23) писал:

Нужно не на микроскопе анализировать, а на другом аппарате, как на фото (сим в синем халате справа).

Называется «Химический анализатор». Действие — «Анализировать предмет. «.

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MilenaMax (12 Апрель 2015 — 14:01) писал:

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aVk (12 Апрель 2015 — 15:10) писал:

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Lee (08 Июнь 2015 — 18:51) писал:

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Lee (20 Июнь 2015 — 16:56) писал:

Она меяет цвет воды.

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